So the Fourth of July is a “midweek holiday” this year. Kind of a fun way to put a little fun, family and friendship into an (otherwise) ordinary week. Perhaps you’re heading to the lake, popping over to the neighbors or entertaining in your own backyard… I will tell you that I have a tendency to focus more on the main part of the meal when it comes to entertaining – and the cocktails and desserts are often an afterthought. (I can hear some of you laughing already… Perhaps “cocktails” are where you START your planning…? Ha!) Anyway – I thought it would be fun to share a few little last-minute “sweet” ideas for the Fourth of July holiday that is upon us!
Well – First of all – I have got a recipe here for a “Double Berry Margarita” that is calling my name. Loud. And it’s not even noon yet. (Houston – we have a problem…) Anyway, I’m going to share it with you in the hopes that you will make it for the 4th, or sometime this summer, and share your “results” with me. (Well, maybe not ALL of your results. We’re sticking with a “G” rating here, friends! )
Double Berry Margarita
1 oz. tequila blanco
1/2 oz Cointreau
1/2 oz Chambord
1 splash sweet and sour mix
2 raspberries, muddled
2 blackberries, muddled
2 lime wedges, muddled
Combine ingredients in a mixing glass. Shake hard and serve in a glass with a salted rim. Garnish with a lime wedge, raspberry and blackberry. Oh my, that sounds good!!
Doing a little “last minute” entertaining? Need something quick & easy in the beverage department?? Well, icy cold lemonade – or pink lemonade – works great for any outdoor entertaining… perfect for the kiddos, and even more fun for the adults (Hint, hint: Keep a bottle of citron vodka in the freezer for an icy little “adult lemonade cocktail”!!) 
As for dessert, nothing is sweeter and simpler than a cupcake. These cupcakes can be made with your favorite cupcake mix/recipe (Red Velvet, perhaps?) and a simple white buttercream frosting. I just fell in love with the simplicity of these decorations…
Stars & Stripes
- Tint 1 cup buttercream a bright blue with gel-paste food color. Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a small plain tip (#4). Frost each cupcake with a smooth layer of untinted buttercream.
- To finish, cut red licorice laces into seventy-two 1-1/2 inch long pieces and seventy-two 3/4 inch long pieces. Arrange three longer pieces and three shorter pieces to form a flag pattern. With blue frosting, pipe nine dots in each open corner to form “stars”.
Need something for the kids to help with while you are sipping on your “Double Berry Margarita”?? Staying with our “sweet” theme – a little project that will give an ordinary blue napkin a festive feel in a simple way… Starlight Spangled Napkin Rings!! Not a lot of supplies and simple directions. Just trying to give the kiddos something to do while you are busy sipping on your margarita…!!
OK – so there you go. A few “sweet” little ideas for your upcoming Fourth of July holiday!! Say a prayer for our troops, and the families who are missing them. Be proud, be safe, be American; Keep calm and eat a cupcake!
Happy Fourth… Live happy