It’s the second Tuesday in April, or “Fountain Day“, as they say here in Kansas City. OK. Confession. I have lived in Kansas City since 1983… and I had no idea there was such a thing as “fountain day“. Kansas City, lovingly nicknamed “The City of Fountains”, boasts more than 200 fountains registered here in the metro area.
And today was “the day” for those dozens and dozens of Kansas City fountains to come alive! Rain
snow or shine… when the second Tuesday of April arrives – It’s time!! Luckily it was a good day for this daunting task; mostly sun and clouds with only morning rain.
So here’s another little “factoid” for ya… Did you know that our beautiful city has more fountains than any other city in the world, except perhaps Rome? Yep. In the WORLD!! Wow. Pretty impressive, huh?!
So with a happy heart, I bid a sweet goodnight to this wonderful city that I call “home”. Kansas City. “The (beautiful) City of Fountains…”
I did know that A very busy day in a very beautiful city!!