hello. again….
I’ve been gone awhile. Six months, to be exact. But I’m back. In my usual, haphazard sort of way. You know; a post every day for 2 weeks. Then nothing for the next three weeks.
Or six months.
I needed a little social media hiatus, I guess. A time to chill. Regroup. Collect my thoughts. Ponder life…
Bold statement: “I’m going to attempt to be a bit more consistent in my blogging” (don’t think that I don’t hear the muffled giggles amongst you…)
Followed by the “however…” statement: “In order to do so, however, I must learn to be a bit more, well.. brief?” (OK – the muffled giggles just turned to outright laughter…!)
OK, Yes. I said brief. I know. It sounds ridiculous coming from me, doesn’t it!? I agree. But I’m sure gonna try. Truth is, I think that I really need this place, this little space, to share what’s in my head and my heart. I’ve said it a million times before, but blogging – for me – is an online journal. My diary. My therapy. I’m sharing my thoughts, feelings, experiences with you, in hopes that something that I say may touch your life in some small way. Perhaps we will connect on some level. Start a conversation. Or not. It may simply be something you just needed to hear or see at that very moment. Something in your heart; not to be shared with anyone. That works for me too…
So it’s November. A beautiful month to honor the spirit of gratitude. Every day this month I am going to post a picture on Instagram; something that I am grateful for. I am going to jump back on Facebook, as well. Although not as often as I used to. And, of course, stay tuned – right here – for future “brief, yet meaningful” blog posts from yours truly! (teehee!!)
yes. it’s hello. again…