I have never been the guest on a talk show. Or a cooking show. Or Good Morning America. If I were, however, and they were to ask me this question…”Of anyone who has ever lived on this earth; who are the top five people you would most like to meet…?” What would be my response?
Well, I’m not sure of all five. Need to do a little more thinkin’. One of them, however, would be Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A brave, brave man who preached against violence as a solution to ANYTHING.
A man of faith, great wisdom, peace, strong morals, conviction, and love. Wow. I feel like he could make such a difference in our world today.

He is no longer here; but we are. His legacy lives on through his teachings; the words he left behind. Our job is to love each other; as brothers and sisters. Today. And all of our tomorrows.
April 4, 1968. I was only six years old when Dr. King lost his life. Today, on the anniversary of his untimely passing, I share a few of my favorite quotes…
Thank you, Dr. King.