a birthday to remember??

april showers 2When I was writing my May newsletter, I mentioned how much I loved May.  And springtime.  And flowers.  The grass is green, the trees are budding, the warm sunshine a welcome reward after a cold, never-ending winter.  I feel especially blessed to have a May birthday.  May 2 to be exact.

I awakened on my birthday to the sound of our local weather forecaster, Joel, sharing the good news for the day; “An absolutely miserable day ahead…drizzly, dreary, raw raindrops…”  Wait – Did he just say RAW raindrops?  What the heck…?? He was, obviously, confused.  This is May, and May is warm and “springy”. There was only one thing to do.  Change the channel.

BD snow 2013 tree

Well – looking on the bright side (huh?) – It appears we have very accurate weather forecasters here in Kansas City (on “KMBC”; Channel 9. And BTW – Just kidding about changing the channel – TeeHee!)  Yep – They were spot on.  “Raw” was certainly an appropriate adjective to describe the moisture that was falling from that dark, dreary (May) sky. All. Day. Long. By afternoon, my “Happy Birthday” songs, via family phone calls, had joined chorus with a rather unique style of “background music”… the ping, ping, ping of sleet and ice pellets whipping against the window.  This sleet and ice soon turned to (gulp!) SNOW… at which point I declared that my birthday had been officially postponed. 

BD snow 2013 TV

BD smow 2013 fireplaceOnce that had been decided, we settled in for a cozy evening at home.  It had been a crazy couple of days full of unexpected surprises; so a warm blanket, a glass of wine, a fire in the fireplace and an episode of Downton Abbey was just what the (birthday) doctor ordered.  Especially when there is a winter weather advisory.  In May.  At the end of the night, the hubbie had an idea.  We went outside and “wrote” the date, 5-2-13, in the snow as documentation… of a birthday to remember.  And just the beginning of what (obviously) promises to be a very exciting year!!!

BD snow 2013BD snow 2013 2

2 thoughts on “a birthday to remember??

  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you are still celebrating it today. It’s a week long celebration right? My birthday is in January and it was actually very sunny and warm. And today is sunny and cold. In May! In Texas! Global warming? I think not! You sound like you made the most of it though. A very cozy birthday. May all your wishes come true!

    1. Thanks, Caroline! I like the thought of the “extended celebration”… but I was thinking more like a MONTH (teehee!) I think what I need to buy for myself (birthday) is a beautiful dollhouse… from Cinderella Moments ( http://www.cinderellamoments.com/ ), of course! I actually am going to buy one… but deciding which one to buy (first) is nearly IMPOSSIBLE!!! I love so many of them!! Hugs right back atcha!!

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